Story Lite notes and storyboard Rotating Header Image

Technical details

This application is a zoomable user interface – ZUI – adapted to work with a set of rich text editors which can handle text, formatting, and in Story Turbo, images too.

It is like a portable desktop, in that a set of open documents can be saved all together into one file.

The file has the .sto file extension.

The conception and design is by Geoff Davis, who has a Masters in Electronic Arts by research from Middlesex University UK in 2003-2004. In his research Geoff produced a working ZUI (in ActionScript) in this which was more aimed at encyclopedias or visual display, and used multiple levels to control the zoom. The dissertations will be online soon.


M. Abu Faisal
Software Engineer (Java Technology),
I.H. Soft Tech. Pvt. Ltd.

Windows and Mac versions are available that all use the same basic Java libraries, which do not update after install, so there is no security risk.

Mac versions

This software needs Java Release 6. This is not available for Mac OS X v10.4 or PowerPC-based Macs, due to Apple policies.

PAD files

Portable Application Description, or PAD, is more or less what it says. For more info on PAD see their site > .

The xml software description files are available here:

v1.1 coming soon.

v1.1 coming soon.

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