We have a new site for Geoff Davis, please visit
FREE writing creativity app and How to Write ebooks
Story Lite has a bigger and better sibling, NOTES STORY BOARD v2.2 – with images and a lot of clip art and free templates, advice files etc.
There are also How to Write ebooks.
Please visit the new site for latest offers, many free.
The new site is at NOTES STORY BOARD if you want to visit that.
New Botz robot games, apps
Check out the site at Botz Robots app, games and images
Story Lite free writing story boarding app now online again 2017
This is the site for Story Lite, our original 2010 app that is still popular.
It is a simpler version of our main apps Notes Story Board and Story Turbo.
Get Story Lite here (home page) >
Get Notes Story Board v 2.2 here >ALL FREE!
We also have a new site at Botz Robots for games, apps etc >
New app out and new writing courses too
This is the text only version, which is still the most popular. Notes Story Board version has image import, and many other additional features.
And the most recent is Notes Story Board.
By the way, there was also a Microsoft Office plugin, that was widely ignored from 2014-2016, so I retired it. So please be clear, we have too many apps.
Notes Story Board is the most recent!
I also do a writing advice site at Top Writing Courses >
There are also many Kindle how to write ebooks available here >
The courses there are short and to the point, unlike some others. That is why they are ‘top’ – short and sweet.
New app Notes With Links – for Microsoft Office 365 / 2013 – Word, Excel, PowerPoint
This is Story Turbo as an Office app, with extra benefits
April 1 2014: The Notes With Links Office Store page is down for maintenance as the price is changing, this is not as simple as it sounds (this is not a joke btw!). I will email members when the new version is live.
Notes With Links has panels for notes so you can collaborate and share when reviewing a document, or just use them for arrangement. Use for editing with others, marking, commenting, reviewing, sharing. Or just organise your own notes better, using separate panels.
Active reference links
It has active reference links from places in your documents to the particular note.
It works with Word, Excel and (some limits) PowerPoint as a side panel app, and is saved with the document.
Why Notes Story Board is the best writing software
“Every writer should know about Notes Story Board.”
“By far, the best piece of writing software.”
August 2013
I recently ran a survey (results later this week) and got some very positive feedback.
The quotes are at:
Notes Story Board (& Story Turbo) testimonials and feedback >
If you are still using Story Lite, why not try Notes Story Board (which has images and more features) since it’s free…
Crowd fund your new novel or story this way
One of our occasional writers, Ivy Ngeow, also writes fiction. She has been published and won awards. This might smooth your way to a publishing deal, but the new way involves crowdfunding, or rather, pre-selling enough copies of the book (which is completed). It is set in Chicago, USA, and Macau near Hong Kong, China, and is set in the 80s, with Reagan the untried new president, parallels with Trump there.
Check out her entertaining video here on the Unbound site now >
Heart of Glass novel by Ivy Ngeow
Unbound have just had a massive hit with The Good Immigrant, a collection of essays about being an immigrant in the UK. And Robert Llewellyn, an actor from the SF series Red Dwarf, has had many novels out through them.
Ivy will be discussing her crowd funding techniques, using Facebook, blogging, email etc, on this site soon.
I am preparing a pitch video for my next novel now!
Check out Ivy’s new crime novel here on the Unbound site now >
Posted in: Book reviews, Comments and ideas, Competitions, Crowd funding, Fiction stories novels, How to write advice, Social Media, Web.