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Asian pages live Chinese zh and Japanese ja on new site

Visit for our new Asian languages site (new page).

There is Chinese Simplified page (China zh) and a Japanese page (Japan ja), with downloads of the Windows and Apple Mac free software for Story Lite v1.1 – the 5 Star writing and editing creativity program.

Chinese Simplified page for China Story Software and Story Lite >

Japanese page for Japan Story Software and Story Lite >

Arabic page added to European multilingual Story Lite software

Story Lite software icon

Story Lite software icon

Tried and failed to find an Arabic based ISP, so decided to put it onto the EU site. It’s pretty near.


Arabic page added to European multilingual Story Lite software >

European multilingual site live

New site for many European languages, manually translated.

Visit Story Software Europe >

Spanish – es – español

German – de – Deutsch

French – fr – française

Italian – it – italiano

Polish – pl – polski

Portugese – pt – português

Russian – ru – русский

The old Spanish pages on this site have been moved, so please update any bookmarks.

Maximize productivity and creativity with Story Lite software – now Apple Mac version – and Windows updated versions, in our new application, app, program.

The Mac application is now live on the download page, see navigation.

NEW! Version 1.1 is out in a day or two (5 May 2011) so please come back and check.

Story Lite productivity creativity app software  icon

Story Lite productivity creativity app software icon

Look at the videos to check out the fantastic usefulness of this software.

Also the Windows version has been updated, if you have it already, please download and replace.

Any comments on your use of the software are welcome as it is so new and exciting.

New icon for Story Lite software, aqua, Apple Mac ,Windows, application, app, program, productivity, creativity

We are just about the launch the Apple version of Story Lite so I made a new icon (icns file) for the program. Here it is:

Story Lite icon for Mac and Windows

Story Lite icon for Mac and Windows

This has that glassy, glossy, illuminated 3D Mac aqua look. I suppose the globe represents a drop of water with our little fish.

This icon is also in use for the new version for Windows and Linux, which will also be released very soon. This is just an update which gets rid of the black text (black highligting) bug, which turned out to be a template file problem, so was easily fixed – once found.

Fixing black text bug

We are fixing the rare bug that makes the highlighting switch on to black, to give a black bar of text. This should be done soon. I has proven more tricky than seems possible for such as small error in display.

It is easy to work around by highlighting text and setting the highlight color to whatever it should be (it seems to do it for initial white/black combi only).

Anyway thought I’d let you know! A new version upgrade will be here when it is fixed.

Just added Twitter account to my feed into Facebook

So Story Lite blogs pop up everywhere – good eh?

Twitter account for following is Story_Lite

Story Lite live

The Windows installer was put on here yesterday and the Mac ones should be online very soon.

Sign up for Mac installer as it will be on soon, and has the same download password as the Windows one. We will let you know when it is online.