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The Little Stranger – Sarah Waters – plot and ending of story discussion – for Book Club – Story Software Lite

For a discussion of the plot of The Little Stranger – Sarah Waters please have a look at this Amazon review I wrote a while back.

Go to Sarah Waters – The Little Stranger plot discussion >

The discussion has continued through many many entries. What do you think? Might be useful for a for Book Club debate or recommended read.

Spoiler alert – this discusses the PLOT and the ENDING of the story so please do not read if you have not read the book yet!

Ereaders compared review video – Kindle, ipad, Sony Reader, Android

This is a good introduction to the ereader debate – which is basically Amazon Kindle vs. Apple ipad. Also don’t forget Sony Reader, Android tablets etc…

Ereaders video and short article >

We have put a lot on about ereaders as we are making a web app version of Story Lite that will run on any device including the ipad and also the browser in the Kindle.