Story Lite notes and storyboard Rotating Header Image


Ereaders compared review video – Kindle, ipad, Sony Reader, Android

This is a good introduction to the ereader debate – which is basically Amazon Kindle vs. Apple ipad. Also don’t forget Sony Reader, Android tablets etc…

Ereaders video and short article >

We have put a lot on about ereaders as we are making a web app version of Story Lite that will run on any device including the ipad and also the browser in the Kindle.

New v1.1 Story Lite Apple Mac installers now released, free productivity software

May 2014:
The current version is Story Turbo – download from here >

Original post
The Apple Mac installers for v1.1 are here, they have a streamlined interface and some changes internally, so if you are on v1.0, get this version, it is better.

The Download page is the main place but they are here, with the Windows installers too.

Sign up is not required now to download the software. New features like a Social Media Forum and competitions are coming very soon. Let us know what you think of the changes.

Story Lite version 1.1 out – free no sign up needed – go get it folks

Latest version of our unique productivity software is now out for Windows (Mac/Linux in next day or two).
No sign up required – just download and run!

This has interface improvements and some minor tweaks ‘under the hood’.

If you already have v1.0, I will email you soon will special discounts on all future releases of our commercial software (coming soon).

May 2014 – new version
Download Story Turbo now >

New video of fiction writer using Story Lite

I am just making a new video as current videos are about features not benefits…

Now live on Youtube and our front home page.

I used Story Lite to do the notes and ideas for it, which is one of the strengths of the program.

I can add boxes, edit, move boxes around, get things in right order, change layout etc, very fast. In Word you’d have to use Split Screen, and all that, which is a nuisance. Of course if I was making a professional final document for publishing I might export from Story Lite as RTF into Word or Open Office and do the pro level layout for actual publishing.

So before I actually start editing the video, I exported the layouts – this just puts all of the content of the boxes, in order, from the Story file out into a web version (HTML) or a text version with formatting (RTF).

I have pasted this web version into here, just for fun really. I also want to see how Facebook’s RSS Graffiti handles this post.

Here it is:



How to use Story Lite

This is main box for editing chapters.

One box per chapter

or One big box for all text.

Can split up text into other boxes for:


Rearrangement of story sections



1: Boxes

This is main box for editing chapters.

One box per chapter

or One big box

2: Have a box for











3: Story Structure

Depends on type of story

Simplest is

Problem / Challenge


Climax / Success

Might be biography style

4: Working

Show making boxes

Moving boxes

In view
Out of view

Layout design


Have a box for












Story Structure Boxes

Depends on type of story

Simplest is

Problem / Challenge


Climax / Success

Might be biography style

Modern / post modern

Comedy – farce with doors opening etc

Detective etc



Show making boxes

Moving boxes

In layout view
Out of layout view

Layout design – arrangement

When stuck for ideas, or thinking, can move boxes around



Writer starting story

Using pc to add boxes for:



Main fiction text box

Can use layout of boxes for arrangement of notes etc.

Drag boxes away, out of view.

Drag back in to see or have handy.

At end, or whenever, export all boxes to word processor.

Can easily share file with someone else.

