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Ereaders compared review video – Kindle, ipad, Sony Reader, Android

This is a good introduction to the ereader debate – which is basically Amazon Kindle vs. Apple ipad. Also don’t forget Sony Reader, Android tablets etc…

Ereaders video and short article >

We have put a lot on about ereaders as we are making a web app version of Story Lite that will run on any device including the ipad and also the browser in the Kindle.

Competition with winners and prizes – Story Lite, fiction, non-fiction, essay, story, writers, writing, bloggers, blogging, free

We are having a sort of test competition to see how it goes. The prizes are Amazon vouchers. Just send in your most interesting and original uses of the Story Lite software and we will decide.

You also get your work in Story Lite publicized on our website, so that is a bit of fame too.

We also have a points system running for entries in Facebook and Twitter etc, if that actually works. This is a trial.

We intend to have monthly competitions for fun prizes, perhaps even stretching to Kindles, Sony Readers etc once we get going.

New v1.1 Story Lite Apple Mac installers now released, free productivity software

May 2014:
The current version is Story Turbo – download from here >

Original post
The Apple Mac installers for v1.1 are here, they have a streamlined interface and some changes internally, so if you are on v1.0, get this version, it is better.

The Download page is the main place but they are here, with the Windows installers too.

Sign up is not required now to download the software. New features like a Social Media Forum and competitions are coming very soon. Let us know what you think of the changes.

Story Lite version 1.1 out – free no sign up needed – go get it folks

Latest version of our unique productivity software is now out for Windows (Mac/Linux in next day or two).
No sign up required – just download and run!

This has interface improvements and some minor tweaks ‘under the hood’.

If you already have v1.0, I will email you soon will special discounts on all future releases of our commercial software (coming soon).

May 2014 – new version
Download Story Turbo now >

Ereader formats, PDB, MOBI, LTF, EPUB, PDF, Sony, Amazon Kindle, Apple Ipad, netbook, Samsung, tablet

Ebook formats comparison and Ereader formats

There are so many formats it is called a format war.

Confused? You bet. That is why the most popular format is good old PDF.

We look at the different formats, PDF, RTF, TXT, HTML (the standard ones) and the more specifically ebook/ereader ones, sometimes proprietary, such as PDB, MOBI, LTF, EPUB, and a few others.

Of course the big issue is DRM – digital rights management – which people moan about but how are people supposed to be artists, build a business, provide services, etc? We also discuss that too. What do people say?

Story software (Story Lite, Story Turbo) as an ebook or electronic format

The Story Lite software can be used as an ideas generator, to help you in your writing or blogging, by allowing all notes to be viewable when you are writing.

It can also be used as an art format in its own right.

Multimedia art can be created using the multiple text layout. Some examples are on this site.

Making these available to an ereader depends on the dimensions of the Story layout.

We are having competitions soon for best use – keep an eye out!

How to Tips for exciting stories or novels – The Pianoplayers, Anthony Burgess

The Pianoplayers 1986
Anthony Burgess

Burgess The Pianoplayers

Burgess The Pianoplayers


What he wanted in a film:
Plenty of variety
Which means:

  • A railway train
  • A house on fire
  • A scene by the lake for lovers
  • Galloping horses
  • A fist fight that did not go on too long
  • A ball scene with the Blue Danube waltz for preference
  • Soldiers marching down the street coming home from war
  • No battle scenes
  • (machine guns OK, big guns, not OK)

‘He’ is the narrator’s Dad, who is a piano player at a cinema in the time of silent movies… which explains this list.

This is a very readable novel, it is more like a memoir than a conventional novel. Which is what it is supposed to be, an old lady reminisces about her life, mainly her early life with her father, an itinerant and drunken piano player.

How to write a story or book – try some of these in a short story and see how it goes – if your imagination is stuck, use some of these as modifiers. For instance, add Galloping horses – this will always liven up a scene. Perhaps use them as a metaphor if you do not want actual horses charging about in your existential office drama.

Science Fiction – SF – Sci Fi – glamor space gnomes – how to write

“Science fiction is a genre that makes use of the political, the historic and the social to garb space gnomes in a cloak of glamor that they are unlikely to have achieved in actuality.

The standard-issue content is a result of its barely-examined acceptance of progress in technological, ideological, economic religious and social life.”

Alfred Bork: ‘Deep Vanishing’ in Jeff Lint’s Science Fiction. Jeff Lint is a great and underrated writer.

There is also the tragedy of the person who wants to be an artist but has the mind of an inspector, perhaps they end up writing science fiction, which has the most literally described fantasies. Star Trek is full of this invented technical gobbledygook.

Gnome sf sci-fi use of weapons iain m banks

Gnome sf sci-fi use of weapons iain m banks

Jeff Lint is very interested in the philosophy of ‘tentacled beauties‘ – which covers nearly all alien types (all of which are invented, despite their looming preponderance in the modern world) – just think how much better Darth Vader would be with tentacles instead of (as well as?) the Force.

Just watched movie Skyline – lots of tentacled beauties in there. War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise, Independence Day… all those tentacles.

Michael Crichton [RIP] added a giant squid scene to Pirate Latitudes – although this had the feel of a book that had not been given the final gloss, so that scene might have been cut if he had been working on it.

How to Write task: add a tentacled beauty to a new story, whatever the genre. Try adding a tentacled beauty to a dinner party scene.