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Ereaders compared review video – Kindle, ipad, Sony Reader, Android

This is a good introduction to the ereader debate – which is basically Amazon Kindle vs. Apple ipad. Also don’t forget Sony Reader, Android tablets etc…

Ereaders video and short article >

We have put a lot on about ereaders as we are making a web app version of Story Lite that will run on any device including the ipad and also the browser in the Kindle.

Ereader formats, PDB, MOBI, LTF, EPUB, PDF, Sony, Amazon Kindle, Apple Ipad, netbook, Samsung, tablet

Ebook formats comparison and Ereader formats

There are so many formats it is called a format war.

Confused? You bet. That is why the most popular format is good old PDF.

We look at the different formats, PDF, RTF, TXT, HTML (the standard ones) and the more specifically ebook/ereader ones, sometimes proprietary, such as PDB, MOBI, LTF, EPUB, and a few others.

Of course the big issue is DRM – digital rights management – which people moan about but how are people supposed to be artists, build a business, provide services, etc? We also discuss that too. What do people say?

Story software (Story Lite, Story Turbo) as an ebook or electronic format

The Story Lite software can be used as an ideas generator, to help you in your writing or blogging, by allowing all notes to be viewable when you are writing.

It can also be used as an art format in its own right.

Multimedia art can be created using the multiple text layout. Some examples are on this site.

Making these available to an ereader depends on the dimensions of the Story layout.

We are having competitions soon for best use – keep an eye out!